Sunday, December 6, 2009

Boring sunday

Got my DIY mojo and decided to get a couple of things done. Painted the cam covers and also used my old fuel filter as an oil catch tank.Painted it flat black,
Now i can tell people i drive a "black top" 4A-GE!

Cost : Paint - RM7 (Abro matt black)
2 hours of hard labour
Resulting a very happy owner!


  1. first time reading ur blog and already inspired by it! fuel filter as oil catch tank! now why didn't i think of that before..

    in Indonesia, we don't see AE80 often. we get the lame EE80 instead with E-series engine.

    do visit my blog when u have time. it's

  2. What type of paint you use for painting the cover? Any DIY steps?

    "Black Top 4AGE"..... I like that!

  3. @ Edgar : Great blog you have there too! Rear wheeled cars are always much more fun than front wheeled. Here we too get lots of E series, but still transplanted with silvertops and blacktops. And the fuel filter as OCT works btw, same principle, cut cost but require replacement every half a year.

    @ Vince : Yeah probably ill do a short tutorial. Was using Abro Flat Black bought from Carrefour for RM7 only, loved the flat paint as i didnt really need to sand the covers, just had to degrease it.
